
 Kidz Club this evening at 5:30.


There will be a joint Thanksgiving service here November 19.


Daylight Saving time ends the first weekend in November. Check your smoke detectors now.


November/December calendars will be out next Sunday. Got an event to include? Contact Ralph Verdu.


Events This Week!


Sunday School at 10:00

Morning Worship at 11:00


Song Leader for the Evening Service will be Barry Peffer


7:00 PM    Prayer Meeting


Worship Hint for Families

   Peter (among others) wants us to be alert, resist, and be firm in faith. But to do those things, one needs knowledge: what do you watch out for, what kind of resistance is needed, and what does it mean to be firm in faith?

   So, how do you find the answer to these questions? First, follow closely as Pastor leads us through 1 Peter. Then read Paul’s letters to the Ephesians, Philippians, or the Colossians and take note of the cautions, commands, and suggestions given to guide one through the temptations and pitfalls of life. There are real hazards, and the danger is real. Believe what you read. Then Trust and Obey.


Ø  Join us for prayer on Wednesday nights.  There is much amiss in our world, and you can do something to help. Pray! Praying with others can broaden and sharpen your prayer. Join us and see.

Ø  Grandparent’s Day is this Friday. If you have living grandparents, greet them! If you are a Grandparent, thank God for your grandchildren and pray for them otherwise.

Ø  Also this Thursday and Friday, the Promise of Life Network is hosting their annual fundraising banquet. Registration is closed, but if you wish to donate, you may send a check to:

Promise of Life Network

PO Box 7734

New Castle, PA 16107


 Kidz Club resumes this evening according to the usual schedule.


Missing something? Check the LOST & FOUND near the stairs.


Daylight Saving time ends the first weekend in November.

Get new batteries for your smoke detectors now.


Events This Week!


Sunday School at 10:00

Morning Worship at 11:00


Song Leader for the Evening Service will be Ralph Verdu


7:00 PM    Prayer Meeting


Ladies Bible Study will meet on Thursday, the 19th at 6:30 PM


Worship Hint for Families

   Take a moment to read Romans 16:1-15. It’s one of those hard-to-read, distracting lists of names we find throughout Scripture. Read it anyway and go ahead, bleep over the actual names themselves.

  Instead, look closely at the adjectives that describe those names. That’s where the force of this passage lies. “…a servant of the church; a helper of many; fellow workers; my beloved; fellow prisoners; approved in Christ; workers in the Lord; a choice man in the Lord…” And so on.

  How do people describe you? Are these the things people think of when they think of you? It doesn’t take much: a willing heart, a gentle spirit, and love for God.


Ø  Join us for prayer on Wednesday nights.  There is much amiss in our world, and you can do something to help. Pray! Praying with others can broaden and sharpen your prayer. Join us and see.

Ø  Thank you all who helped make our Veterans’ Dinner such a blessing. There were several who attended who do not name Christ as Savior. Please be in prayer for them as they process the Gospel heard last night.

Ø  Grandparent’s Day is on the 27th (Friday) this month. If you are a Grandparent, what are you planning so as to be a blessing to your grandchildren? Talk with them about your heavenly Father!

Ø  The ministry event calendars for November and December will be coming out soon. Submit events or occasions to Ralph Verdu for inclusion.


 In recognition of the holiday, there will be no Kidz Club, or Evening Service. All of these will resume according to the usual schedule next week.


Nursery duty today: Donna Verdu


Missing something? Check the LOST & FOUND near the stairs.

 Events This Week!


Sunday School at 10:00

Morning Worship at 11:00


There will be no Evening Service in recognition of Columbus Day


7:00 PM    Prayer Meeting


Ladies Bible Study at 6:30 pm


Worship Hint for Families

   It sometimes seems mystifying to us why God would save us since we are such unworthy people. Even more mystifying is that some believe it to be possible that God would change his mind on the matter. Consider:

  Peter tells us we have been born again to a living hope and again that we have been born again…of imperishable seed…through the living word of God. Things can be lost. Status can be diminished, like being demoted. But birth cannot be undone. Job wished he had not been born, but he couldn’t undo the fact that he had been born. We are born again, not to another sin-controlled life, but to a living hope.


Ø  Your help is still wanted for the openings for Nursery workers to share the ministry of caring for little ones during the worship service on those 4th and 5th Sundays each month.

Ø  Join us for prayer on Wednesday nights.  There is a Bible study anyone can join at any time…and benefit, as God’s Word always does. There is also prayer: an essential and refreshing aspect of “body-life” for believers.

Ø  We are hosting a Veterans’ Dinner this coming Saturday evening, October 14. Guests have been invited. Please be in prayer for them as we share God’s hope you read about in the column above.

Ø  October’s calendar with birthdays and anniversaries is in the foyer.


 Kidz Club this evening at 5:30 p.m.


Nursery duty today: Donna Verdu


Missing something? Check the LOST & FOUND near the stairs.


Events This Week!


Sunday School at 10:00

Morning Worship at 11:00

Evening Service at 6:00 PM 

Song Leader for tonight’s Evening Service is Ray Bauder


7:00 PM    Prayer Meeting


Worship Hint for Families

   A seeming paradox of the Christian faith is its encouragement to selfless humility:  Turn the other cheek (Mt. 5:39), Love one another (1Jn. 3:23), Live in peace (1 Thess. 5:13), and its very martial language elsewhere: Put on the armor of God (Eph. 6:11), Arm yourselves (1Pet. 4:1).

  There is no real paradox. Christianity is not pacifistic, but robust with the gentleness of Christ. The Sword of the Spirit is the Word of God…sharper than any two-edged sword (Heb. 4:12) and it is the very Word of Life (1 Jn. 1:1).

  Read and trust the whole council of God!


Ø  There are still openings for Nursery workers to share the ministry of caring for little ones during the worship service on those 4th and 5th Sundays each month.  

Ø  Join us for prayer on Wednesday nights.  There is a Bible study anyone can join at any time…and benefit, as God’s Word always does. There is also prayer: an essential and refreshing aspect of “body life” for believers.

Ø  A Veterans’ Dinner is scheduled for October 14. See the poster on the bulletin board for details and take a flyer to invite a veteran.

Ø  October’s calendar with birthdays and anniversaries is in the foyer.



 Kidz Club this evening at 5:30 p.m.


Nursery duty today: Adrienne Kniess


Dates to note:

o   9/24 Yom Kippur Begins at Sundown. Read Leviticus 16:16-22 and Hebrews, Chapter 9

o   10/9 Columbus Day


Events This Week!


Sunday School at 10:00

Morning Worship at 11:00


Song Leader for tonight’s Evening Service is Barry Peffer


7:00 PM    Prayer Meeting


Ladies Bible Study Thursday at 6:30


Worship Hint for Families

   The so-called Jewish holidays, of which Yom Kippur is one, are actually quite important to understanding the grace of God to the church and in the life of each believer. Regarding the event that begins this evening, Bruce Scott says in his book The Feasts of Israel, “Using Yom Kippur as a type, God presented a picture of His Son—the ultimate atonement.”   

   Take time with your family to read through the passages of Scripture suggested. Learn about, rejoice in, and thank God for his manifold mercies.


Ø  There are still openings for Nursery workers to share the ministry of caring for little ones during the worship service on those 4th and 5th Sundays each month.  

Ø  Join us for prayer on Wednesday nights and enjoy sweet fellowship.  We have started a book study entitled Changed into His Image by Jim Berg. This study will help you recognize God’s gracious help in overcoming self


 Kidz Club this evening at 5:30 p.m.


Nursery duty today: Adrienna Kniess


Dates to note:

o   9/24 Yom Kippur

o   10/1 The Lord’s Supper

o   10/9 Columbus Day

Events This Week!


Sunday School at 10:00

Morning Worship at 11:00


Song Leader for tonight’s Evening Service is Pastor Roberts


7:00 PM    Prayer Meeting


Ladies Bible Study Thursday at 6:30


Worship Hint for Families

The universe is vast. We call it infinite, but that isn’t quite true. We are in the universe and in its presence. Somehow, that doesn’t confuse us. Why then are we often confused about “heaven?” What do you think being ‘in the presence of’ the truly infinite God means? Will God be somewhere else while you languish on a cloud?

 Try this to understand eternal life: define God. Talk it over with your family, match your discussion to chapter and verse and see what you come up with.  That should take care of your next rainy day.


Ø  Nursery workers are needed for the 4th (and the occasional 5th) Sunday of each month. A viewing monitor is available so the service can be watched while in the nursery with the children.

Ø  Join us for prayer on Wednesday nights and enjoy sweet fellowship.  We are starting a book study entitled Changed into His Image by Jim Berg. Copies are available and we want you to be with us.

Ø  Ministry event and birthday/anniversary calendars for September and October are available in the foyer. Take one to help guide your prayer times.

Ø  Thank you to all who participated in Flannel Fest yesterday.



Truth Sleuths program has ended for the season. Kids Club resumes next Sunday, September 10.


Coming events in September:

o   9/9 Mini work day starting at 8:30 AM

o   9/15 Rosh Hashana

o   9/16 Flannel Fest (with a rain date of 9/17)

o   9/24 Yom Kippur

Events This Week!


Sunday School at 10:00

Morning Worship at 11:00


No Evening Service tonight. Enjoy your Labor Day weekend!


7:00 PM    Prayer Meeting


Ladies Bible Study Thursday at 6:30


Ø  Nursery workers are needed for the 4th and 5th Sundays. A monitor is available so the service can be watched while in the nursery with the children.

Ø  Join us for prayer on Wednesday nights and enjoy sweet fellowship. We will conclude our study on the Heart of Christ and set ourselves for the next adventure in the Word.

This Day in History 1776

Anglican clergyman and hymnwriter John Newton wrote in a letter: 'The love I bear Christ is but a faint and feeble spark, but it is an emanation from himself: He kindled it and he keeps it alive; and because it is his work, I trust many waters shall not quench it.'    StudyLight.org



Truth Sleuths tonight at 6:00


School started! Pray for our young people in school as they continue their education: elementary, secondary and college. Pray also for our efforts here to nurture them in the Word.


Events This Week!


Sunday School at 10:00

Morning Worship at 11:00

 Evening Song Leader: Barry Peffer


7:00 PM    Prayer Meeting


Please address prayer requests via TEXT to Heather Oesterling.


Ø  Welcome back Pastor Roberts and his family.

Ø  Coming events in September:

o   9/9 Mini work day starting at 8:30 AM

o   9/16 Flannel Fest (with a rain date of 9/17)

Ø  Children’s Church will resume soon. Stand by for details!

Ø  Join us for prayer on Wednesday nights and enjoy sweet fellowship. We will conclude our study on the Heart of Christ and set ourselves for the next adventure in the Word.


Scripture Sleuths tonight at 6:00


Come downstairs and see the work that has been done to upgrade our facility. The changes will improve our ability to minister to families as we seek to reach into the neighborhoods for Christ.


Events This Week!


Sunday School at 10:00

Morning Worship at 11:00

Evening Song Leader: Ray Bauder


7:00 PM    Prayer Meeting


Ladies Bible Study Thursday at 6:30


Psalm 100:2 adjures us to “Serve the LORD with gladness! Come into his presence with singing!”  Ask God to make your heart this light this morning.


Please address prayer requests via TEXT to Heather Oesterling.


Ø  Children’s Church will be held next Sunday, August 20.  Regular weekly sessions will resume this fall. Meanwhile, please feel free to take a children’s activity pack from the table in the foyer.

Ø  Pastor Roberts and his family return to Portersville on August 21. He will resume his pulpit and pastoral ministry on the 27th.

Ø  Some work continues for the renovations in the church basement. Please see Matt Mularski to see how you can help.

On this Date in History

August 13, 1727: Count Nicolaus Ludwig von Zinzendorf, at age 27, organizes Bohemian Protestant refugees into the Moravian community of "Unitas Fratrum" (united brotherhood).   On your next visit to eastern PA, stop in Bethlehem (the other steel city) and learn about Moravians in the US.


Scripture Sleuths tonight at 6:00


There are other repairs, changes, and improvements being considered for our facility. Please pray for those who are planning the work. We want to have a useful and attractive building that helps us serve God and reach our community.


Events This Week!


Sunday School at 10:00

Morning Worship at 11:00

Evening Song Leader: Ray Bauder


7:00 PM    Prayer Meeting

“When we speak of God’s glory, we are speaking of who God is, what he is like, his distinctive resplendence, what makes God God. And when God himself sets the terms on what his glory is, he surprises us into wonder.”

Gentle and Lowly  by Dane Ortlund


Ladies Bible Study Thursday at 6:30

Please address prayer requests via TEXT to Heather Oesterling.


Ø  The next Children’s Church will be held Sunday, August 20.  On the weeks where there is no Children’s Church, please feel free to take a children’s activity pack from the table in the foyer.

Ø  Pastor Roberts and his family return to minister here on August 27 as he concludes his sabbatical. Please continue to pray for them and anticipate what things God will be doing in days to come.

Ø  Some work continues for the renovations in the church basement. Please see Matt Mularski to see how you can help.