
Scripture Sleuths tonight at 6:00


There are other repairs, changes, and improvements being considered for our facility. Please pray for those who are planning the work. We want to have a useful and attractive building that helps us serve God and reach our community.


Events This Week!


Sunday School at 10:00

Morning Worship at 11:00

Evening Song Leader: Ray Bauder


7:00 PM    Prayer Meeting

“When we speak of God’s glory, we are speaking of who God is, what he is like, his distinctive resplendence, what makes God God. And when God himself sets the terms on what his glory is, he surprises us into wonder.”

Gentle and Lowly  by Dane Ortlund


Ladies Bible Study Thursday at 6:30

Please address prayer requests via TEXT to Heather Oesterling.


Ø  The next Children’s Church will be held Sunday, August 20.  On the weeks where there is no Children’s Church, please feel free to take a children’s activity pack from the table in the foyer.

Ø  Pastor Roberts and his family return to minister here on August 27 as he concludes his sabbatical. Please continue to pray for them and anticipate what things God will be doing in days to come.

Ø  Some work continues for the renovations in the church basement. Please see Matt Mularski to see how you can help.