Events This Week
10:00 AM Sunday School
11:00 AM Morning Service
11:00 AM Children’s Church
5:30 PM Kids’ Club
6:00 PM Evening Service
Song Leader: Barry Peffer
7:00 PM Prayer Meeting
Children’s Ministry Volunteers:
Nursery and Toddler Room:
Linda Hotham & Kim Grant
Children’s Church:
Ralph Verdu
Next Sunday, Mar. 23, 2025:
Nursery and Toddler Room:
Sue McMurdy & Adrienne Kniess
Children’s Church
Caleb Farone
Looking to serve? Consider these ministries:
Nursery - see Donna V.
Kids’ Club - see Christy B.
Nursing Home - see Ralph V.
Join us at Ladies’ Craft Day, Saturday, May 3, at 10:00 a.m.! Brunch and crafts provided.
RSVP on bulletin board or to Katie K. by Sunday, April 27.
There is a Music Team meeting today after the morning service.
Abby Peffer is collecting items for camp. You can find a copy of the list on the table in the foyer
Nursing Home Ministry today at 1:30. See Ralph V. with questions.
Looking Ahead
Easter Sunday - April 20
Ladies’ Craft Day - May 3
Danilo Antunes - May 4