
Truth Sleuths program has ended for the season. Kids Club resumes next Sunday, September 10.


Coming events in September:

o   9/9 Mini work day starting at 8:30 AM

o   9/15 Rosh Hashana

o   9/16 Flannel Fest (with a rain date of 9/17)

o   9/24 Yom Kippur

Events This Week!


Sunday School at 10:00

Morning Worship at 11:00


No Evening Service tonight. Enjoy your Labor Day weekend!


7:00 PM    Prayer Meeting


Ladies Bible Study Thursday at 6:30


Ø  Nursery workers are needed for the 4th and 5th Sundays. A monitor is available so the service can be watched while in the nursery with the children.

Ø  Join us for prayer on Wednesday nights and enjoy sweet fellowship. We will conclude our study on the Heart of Christ and set ourselves for the next adventure in the Word.

This Day in History 1776

Anglican clergyman and hymnwriter John Newton wrote in a letter: 'The love I bear Christ is but a faint and feeble spark, but it is an emanation from himself: He kindled it and he keeps it alive; and because it is his work, I trust many waters shall not quench it.'    StudyLight.org