
 Kidz Club this evening at 5:30 p.m.


Nursery duty today: Adrienna Kniess


Dates to note:

o   9/24 Yom Kippur

o   10/1 The Lord’s Supper

o   10/9 Columbus Day

Events This Week!


Sunday School at 10:00

Morning Worship at 11:00


Song Leader for tonight’s Evening Service is Pastor Roberts


7:00 PM    Prayer Meeting


Ladies Bible Study Thursday at 6:30


Worship Hint for Families

The universe is vast. We call it infinite, but that isn’t quite true. We are in the universe and in its presence. Somehow, that doesn’t confuse us. Why then are we often confused about “heaven?” What do you think being ‘in the presence of’ the truly infinite God means? Will God be somewhere else while you languish on a cloud?

 Try this to understand eternal life: define God. Talk it over with your family, match your discussion to chapter and verse and see what you come up with.  That should take care of your next rainy day.


Ø  Nursery workers are needed for the 4th (and the occasional 5th) Sunday of each month. A viewing monitor is available so the service can be watched while in the nursery with the children.

Ø  Join us for prayer on Wednesday nights and enjoy sweet fellowship.  We are starting a book study entitled Changed into His Image by Jim Berg. Copies are available and we want you to be with us.

Ø  Ministry event and birthday/anniversary calendars for September and October are available in the foyer. Take one to help guide your prayer times.

Ø  Thank you to all who participated in Flannel Fest yesterday.