Truth Sleuths tonight at 6:00
School started! Pray for our young people in school as they continue their education: elementary, secondary and college. Pray also for our efforts here to nurture them in the Word.
Events This Week!
Sunday School at 10:00
Morning Worship at 11:00
Evening Song Leader: Barry Peffer
7:00 PM Prayer Meeting
Please address prayer requests via TEXT to Heather Oesterling.
Ø Welcome back Pastor Roberts and his family.
Ø Coming events in September:
o 9/9 Mini work day starting at 8:30 AM
o 9/16 Flannel Fest (with a rain date of 9/17)
Ø Children’s Church will resume soon. Stand by for details!
Ø Join us for prayer on Wednesday nights and enjoy sweet fellowship. We will conclude our study on the Heart of Christ and set ourselves for the next adventure in the Word.