
Scripture Sleuths tonight at 6:00


Welcome to the Appalachian Bible College Gospel Heralds. They join us this evening for our service at 6:00. This is a great opportunity to exercise community outreach so be sure to invite your friends!


Events This Week!


Sunday School at 10:00

Morning Worship at 11:00

Evening Worship: Gospel Heralds at 6:00 PM


7:00 PM    Prayer Meeting



Thank you to the many who responded to yesterday’s work day. God has blessed us with much, and by his grace we can maintain what has been given. Thank You!


Ladies Bible Study Thursday at 6:30


Please address prayer requests via TEXT to Heather Oesterling.


Ø  Children’s Church sessions have changed for the summer.  The next Children’s Church will be held Sunday, August 20.  On the weeks where there is no Children’s Church, please feel free to take a children’s activity pack from the table in the foyer.

Ø  The mortgage fund now is closed and any designated offerings will go into the Capital Improvement fund for the next project.

Pastor Roberts and his family will return to minister here on August 27 as he concludes his sabbatical. Please continue to pray for them and anticipate what things God will be doing in days to come


Scripture Sleuths tonight at 6:00


Appalachian Bible College is sending its Gospel Heralds team to minister to us at the end of this month. They will be here on July 30 for the evening service. Housing will be needed for six girls, three boys, and one married couple. See Ralph Verdu if you wish to host someone. Be sure to invite your friends!


Events This Week!


Sunday School at 10:00

Morning Worship at 11:00

Evening Song Leader: Barry Peffer


7:00 PM    Prayer Meeting

We are enjoying a study about the Heart of Jesus. Join us to learn and pray with us. You are welcome.


Ladies Bible Study Thursday at 6:30


Please address prayer requests via TEXT to Heather Oesterling.


Ø  Children’s Church sessions have changed for the summer.  The next Children’s Church will be held Sunday, August 20.  On the weeks where there is no Children’s Church, please feel free to take a children’s activity pack from the table in the foyer.

Ø  A Work Day has been scheduled for this coming Saturday, July 29, starting at 8:30 AM. Please choose from the job list on the bulletin board in the foyer and enjoy service-oriented fellowship.  

Ø  We rejoice at being able to pay off our mortgage this month! The mortgage fund now is closed and any designated offerings will go into the Capital Improvement fund for the next project.



Scripture Sleuths tonight at 6:00


Appalachian Bible College is sending its Gospel Heralds team to minister to us at the end of this month. They will be here on July 30 for the evening service. Housing will be needed for six girls, three boys, and one married couple. See Ralph Verdu if you wish to host someone. Be sure to invite your friends!


Events This Week!


Sunday School at 10:00

Morning Worship at 11:00

Evening Song Leader: Ralph Verdu


7:00 PM    Prayer Meeting

We are enjoying a study about the Heart of Jesus. Join us to learn and pray with us. You are welcome.


Ladies Bible Study Thursday at 6:30


Please address prayer requests via TEXT to Heather Oesterling.


Ø  Children’s Church sessions have changed for the summer.  Children’s Church will be held next Sunday, July 16, and again on August 20).  On the weeks where there is no Children’s Church, please feel free to take a children’s activity pack from the back table.

Ø  A Work Day has been scheduled for Saturday, July 29. People of all skills are welcome. The day starts at 8:30 AM. Please see Matt Mularski if you have questions.

Ø  Please continue in prayer for Pastor Roberts and his family as they continue in his sabbatical. May he find refreshment and strength to continue the solid leadership God has allowed.

Ø  Pray for our country and its leadership.

Ø  July’s ministry event calendar is available on the table in the foyer. Please help yourselves to one.

Contact info

Head Elder: Ray Bauder
Head Deacon: Matt Mularski
Secretary: Ralph & Donna Verdu


Please contact Ralph or Donna Verdu if you need something added to the prayer chain. You can call or text - or email the church email address. Please leave a detailed voicemail if there is no answer.

We are using a new text message prayer chain platform. It has replaced the email program.
If you would like to be included in these ministries, please see Ralph or Donna to be added to the list.

If you have a birthday or anniversary this month and it is not on the church calendar or if we have not included you on any of our calendars, please give your dates to Ralph or Donna.