
EventsThis Week:

Sunday: 10:00 AM Sunday School

11:00 AM Morning Service

11:00 AM Children’s Church

6:00 PM Evening Service

Song Leader: Barry Peffer

Tuesday: 7:00 PM Board Meeting

Wednesday: 7:00 PM Prayer Meeting

Thursday: 6:00 PM Ladies’ Bible Study




Events This Week


Sunday School at 10:00

Morning Worship at 11:00

Evening Worship at 6:00

Song Leader: Pastor Roberts     


7:00 PM    Prayer Meeting


Ladies’ Bible study

 this Thursday at 6:00 PM. Learn about the book of James and learn about yourself and your faith.

Worship Hint for Families

        Many observant Jewish people today still so revere the name of G*d that they will not spell out even his title. The third Commandment forbids the taking of the Name in vain. Both Peter and Paul quote Joel 2:32 when they note that “…whoever calls on the name of the LORD will be saved.” Peter goes farther when he presses the point about Jesus, that “…there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.” Acts 4:12

  We are given license to preach Jesus and to pray in Jesus’ name, but there are not many other legitimate uses of THE NAME. Guard it, cherish it, revere it, don’t use it lightly, but USE it.  “…There is salvation in no one else.”




·        Please check the coat rack in the foyer for anything belonging to you, including coats and hats. The shelf will be getting cleared off soon.

·        The church bulletin will be showing a new look soon.


 July 12, 1536 in church history:

Desiderius Erasmus, Dutch scholar and the first editor of the Greek New Testament, dies in Basel. 

Christianity Today          


Workday this Saturday, July 13th. We’ll be starting at 8:30 a.m., come as you can. There will be plenty to do for everyone. See you then.

Events This Week


Sunday School at 10:00

Morning Worship at 11:00

Evening Worship at 6:00

Song Leader: Ray Bauder      


7:00 PM    Prayer Meeting


 Ladies Bible Study at 6:00

Worship Hint for Families

        The old gospel song I Love to Tell the Story rejoices in the many wonders and glories of God through Jesus Christ. To proclaim him, to glorify him by ascribing to him all the wonderful and beautiful things of life, is a privilege and delight. Try it!

  Feel the exultation of kindred spirits when talking of the Lord with another believer. Know the awesome responsibility and thrill of sharing news of Christ with an unbeliever. If you think you don’t know a lot, tell what you know. God is big enough and interested enough to make up the difference.


   “I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands: one Nation under God, indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for all.”



There’s a workday coming up! Join us on Saturday, July 13th. We’ll be starting at 8:30 a.m., come as you can. There will be plenty to do for everyone. See you then.






       Events This Week


Sunday School at 10:00

Morning Worship at 11:00

Evening Worship at 6:00

Song Leader: Ralph Verdu



7:00 PM    Prayer Meeting


Ladies’ Bible study

 No Ladies Bible Study this

Thursday, July 4th

Worship Hint for Families

        We are repeatedly told in Scripture, and on occasion we seem to understand that we are not saved by good work, but rather by God’s grace.

   Though it’s not works that save, it is by works that sometimes one may be identified. This is the ase with God as revealed in the Psalms. Those who had no regard for His works came under judgment for disbelief. Likewise, Messiah was to be identified by certain works that only one sent from God could do. Also, the Apostle prays that believers would “. . . please (God) in all respects, bearing fruit in every good work.” Col. 1:10)

  We became who we are through the work of the Savior. We work to show what we have become.   


    Our evening service offers a pleasant time of worship in song and an interesting Bible study that supplements the morning sermon.

     Then, on Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m. we have a different study that will deepen your understanding of God’s Word, followed by close fellowship in prayer.




 Events This Week


Sunday School at 10:00

Morning Worship at 11:00

Evening Worship at 6:00

Song Leader: Barry Peffer



7:00 PM    Prayer Meeting


Ladies’ Bible study

 The Ladies Bible study this Thursday, at 6:00 PM.

Worship Hint for Families

         On occasion we enjoy a look back in church history to see how people have served the Lord in days gone by. Those looks back can be interesting and inspiring. God has used many different kinds of people and events to advance his work on earth.

  Take a few moments this week with your family to wonder what future generations will read about in their history as they look back to your time. What interest or inspiration will they find from reading about how God has used us? Perhaps reflection like that will prompt us to greater effort.

  Make a disciple, do a deed, change a life, be steadfast against the dark forces at work in this world and glorify God. What a legacy that would be!


Pastor Roberts will return for services next Sunday. Please pray for him and his family while they are away.


Join us tonight at 6:00 for our evening song service and time of interaction with God’s Word. You will be welcome!


Prayer Meeting is an intimate time of Bible Study and close fellowship you would enjoy. Come and refresh yourself mid-week with us. Our current study is in the early chapters of Genesis…a great place to get started!

 Events This Week


Sunday School at 10:00

Morning Worship at 11:00

NO Evening Worship tonight



7:00 PM    Prayer Meeting


Ladies’ Bible study

 The Ladies Bible study this Thursday, at 6:00 PM.

Worship Hint for Families

      Light is a frequent and consistent metaphor for God in scripture. The word “glory” in both Old and New Testaments often refers to light. In some instances, the light is blinding and inspires great fear in those who see it. The shekinah glory of the pillars of fire or cloud that guided the ancient Israelites was light. The Psalmist reminds us that the LORD is our light and Jesus refers to himself as the light of the world.

  On the other hand, those without Christ, alienated from God are still in darkness and will ultimately be cast into outer darkness. Those who do not believe are termed blind, from whom the light is hidden.

Open my eyes, illumine me, Spirit Divine!



Thank you everyone who helped with Kid’s Camp, making it a successful ministry.


 Happy Father’s Day


There will be no service this evening.

Celebrate Father’s Day!



 Events This Week


Sunday School at 10:00

Morning Worship at 11:00

Evening Worship at 6:00

Song Leader: Pastor Roberts



7:00 PM    Prayer Meeting


Ladies’ Bible study

 The Ladies Bible study this Thursday, at 6:00 PM.

Worship Hint for Families

    A desire for justice is an integral part of our humanity. Even little children recognize injustice. They cry “foul” when something seems unfair. But those children, like many of us who are older, do not as often cry foul on behalf of someone else, though some do.

  Even fewer follow David’s example of rightly complaining about injustice while at the same time confessing his own sin, fully prepared to accept its consequences. And then, hardly anyone cries “foul’ against himself. But it is a thing to consider.  If we truly want justice, we must first admit our own sin, seek forgiveness, and then be first in line to give forgiveness. THEN we may see or be able to obtain the justice we think we need.

Kids’ Camp continues!


Thank you all who have been helping with the ministry of Kids Camp. There will be one more session next week. Come and see what goes on and please continue to pray.


Ø  A music ministry meeting will be held tonight after the evening worship service.

Ø  There will be no evening service next Sunday. Celebrate Father’s Day!


       Events This Week


Sunday School at 10:00

Morning Worship at 11:00

Evening Worship at 6:00

Song Leader: Ray Bauder



7:00 PM    Prayer Meeting


Ladies’ Bible study

 The Ladies Bible study will resume this Thursday, June 6 at 6:00 PM, with a pot-luck dinner at the home of Tracy Farone.

Worship Hint for Families

  Some words from Proverbs 28:5a seem especially apt these days. “Evil men do not understand justice.”  As our society appears more and more evil, their sense of justice gets more and more distorted rather than wring our hands and hope that change comes somehow, look to the second half of the verse. Proverbs 28:5b offers a contrast. “But those who seek the LORD understand all things.”

 Let’s not worry about how wrong unbelievers can be. Instead, learn and know the truth. You’ll be more at peace and you will have something of substance to offer lost people who need hope and direction. Seek the Lord!  


          Kids’ Camp has started!


Ø  There is a session this coming Saturday and one more on the 15th.  Please continue to pray.

Ø  Ask how you can be part of this outreach to our community. Or come by and see what is happening. Rejoice in prayer that we can do this great thing.

Ø  We still need paper towel tubes.



School is nearly done for the summer. Pray for our school-age children that their time off will be profitable and glorifying to God.


Today in Church History

May 26, 1700: Count Nicolaus Ludwig von Zinzendorf, founder of the Moravian church and a pioneer of ecumenism and mission work, is born in Dresden, Germany 

From Christianity Today

 Events This Week


Sunday School at 10:00

Morning Worship at 11:00

No Evening Worship


7:00 PM    Prayer Meeting 

Ladies’ Bible study

There is NO Ladies’ Bible study on May 23, or 30. The study will resume on June 6 at 6:00 PM, with a pot-luck dinner at the home of Tracy Farone

Worship Hint for Families

“The earth is the LORD’s, and all it contains.” Humbling words when one considers the fact that this was written long after the fall, with all its resulting troubles. So, as the weather does its quick-change act and it seems as though the earth is going bonkers it still belongs to the Lord. A pretty hanging plant, a bright sunny day, birds singing in the morning AND the creek that threatens your basement are all part of this planet. We can rejoice in all of it, even in the parts that don’t seem to work well (at least, not to our satisfaction). And there’s the key be content! Thank God for the world we have and wait for the good that he has promised.



·        There will not be an evening service tonight. Enjoy your Memorial Day festivities.

·        Thank you to all who organized and participated in yesterday’s parade in Prospect.

·        Attend a Memorial Day service this weekend. There will be one following the parade in Butler tomorrow and many other communities are hosting them.



          Kids’ Camp begins this coming Saturday

Ø  We still need paper towel tubes.

Ø  We also need YOU! There are many opportunities to be involved.


Yesterday in Church History

May 18, 1834: Sheldon Jackson, Presbyterian missionary to the frontier West and Alaska, is born in Minaville, New York. Jackson's reputation for ministering to the spiritual, physical, and social needs of both natives and settlers earned him the nicknames "Bishop of All Beyond" and "Apostle to Alaska" 

From Christianity Today


       Events This Week


Sunday School at 10:00

Morning Worship at 11:00

Evening Worship at 6:00

Song Leader: Ralph Verdu



7:00 PM    Prayer Meeting


Ladies’ Bible study

There is NO Ladies’ Bible study on May 23, or 30. The study will resume on June 6 at 6:00 PM, with a pot-luck dinner at the home of Tracy Farone

Worship Hint for Families

  Imagery abounds in Scripture, offering many beautiful descriptions of God’s love, his mercies, guidance, and promises. The “Shepherd Psalm” shows in more places than the famous #23. Try Revelation 7:17. It also belongs in more contexts than funeral orations. The tender guiding hand of God is assurance in every walk of life throughout all of life. Rejoice in the Lord! Acknowledge his lead (and ownership), accept his choices (they are always good), and be content with where he puts you. He is a good shepherd and he knows what he is doing.



·        The Portersville Bible Church Cemetery Association will hold its annual meeting tomorrow, May 20, 2024 at 7 PM in the church. All lot owners are encouraged to attend.



          Kids’ Camp is coming. You can help!

Ø  We need paper towel tubes. Please save the cardboard roll from your paper towels and bring them to church. A container will be available in the foyer.  Thank you!

Ø  We also need YOU! There are many opportunities to be involved.