Events This Week
Sunday School at 10:00
Morning Worship at 11:00
Evening Worship at 6:00
Song Leader: Pastor Roberts
7:00 PM Prayer Meeting
Ladies’ Bible study
The Ladies Bible study this Thursday, at 6:00 PM.
Worship Hint for Families
A desire for justice is an integral part of our humanity. Even little children recognize injustice. They cry “foul” when something seems unfair. But those children, like many of us who are older, do not as often cry foul on behalf of someone else, though some do.
Even fewer follow David’s example of rightly complaining about injustice while at the same time confessing his own sin, fully prepared to accept its consequences. And then, hardly anyone cries “foul’ against himself. But it is a thing to consider. If we truly want justice, we must first admit our own sin, seek forgiveness, and then be first in line to give forgiveness. THEN we may see or be able to obtain the justice we think we need.
Kids’ Camp continues!
Thank you all who have been helping with the ministry of Kids Camp. There will be one more session next week. Come and see what goes on and please continue to pray.
Ø A music ministry meeting will be held tonight after the evening worship service.
Ø There will be no evening service next Sunday. Celebrate Father’s Day!