
       Events This Week


Sunday School at 10:00

Morning Worship at 11:00

Evening Worship at 6:00

Song Leader: Ray Bauder



7:00 PM    Prayer Meeting


Ladies’ Bible study

 The Ladies Bible study will resume this Thursday, June 6 at 6:00 PM, with a pot-luck dinner at the home of Tracy Farone.

Worship Hint for Families

  Some words from Proverbs 28:5a seem especially apt these days. “Evil men do not understand justice.”  As our society appears more and more evil, their sense of justice gets more and more distorted rather than wring our hands and hope that change comes somehow, look to the second half of the verse. Proverbs 28:5b offers a contrast. “But those who seek the LORD understand all things.”

 Let’s not worry about how wrong unbelievers can be. Instead, learn and know the truth. You’ll be more at peace and you will have something of substance to offer lost people who need hope and direction. Seek the Lord!  


          Kids’ Camp has started!


Ø  There is a session this coming Saturday and one more on the 15th.  Please continue to pray.

Ø  Ask how you can be part of this outreach to our community. Or come by and see what is happening. Rejoice in prayer that we can do this great thing.

Ø  We still need paper towel tubes.



School is nearly done for the summer. Pray for our school-age children that their time off will be profitable and glorifying to God.