
There’s a workday coming up! Join us on Saturday, July 13th. We’ll be starting at 8:30 a.m., come as you can. There will be plenty to do for everyone. See you then.






       Events This Week


Sunday School at 10:00

Morning Worship at 11:00

Evening Worship at 6:00

Song Leader: Ralph Verdu



7:00 PM    Prayer Meeting


Ladies’ Bible study

 No Ladies Bible Study this

Thursday, July 4th

Worship Hint for Families

        We are repeatedly told in Scripture, and on occasion we seem to understand that we are not saved by good work, but rather by God’s grace.

   Though it’s not works that save, it is by works that sometimes one may be identified. This is the ase with God as revealed in the Psalms. Those who had no regard for His works came under judgment for disbelief. Likewise, Messiah was to be identified by certain works that only one sent from God could do. Also, the Apostle prays that believers would “. . . please (God) in all respects, bearing fruit in every good work.” Col. 1:10)

  We became who we are through the work of the Savior. We work to show what we have become.   


    Our evening service offers a pleasant time of worship in song and an interesting Bible study that supplements the morning sermon.

     Then, on Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m. we have a different study that will deepen your understanding of God’s Word, followed by close fellowship in prayer.