Events This Week
10:00 AM Sunday School
11:00 AM Morning Service
11:00 AM Children’s Church
5:30 PM Kids’ Club
6:00 PM Evening Service
Song Leader: Ray Bauder
7:00 PM Prayer Meeting
Children’s Ministry Volunteers:
Nursery and Toddler Room:
Kim Grant
Kathy McMurray
Children’s Church:
Heather Oesterling
Next Sunday, Feb. 9, 2025:
Nursery and Toddler Room:
Barb Brown
Trudy Bauder
Children’s Church
Luke and Heather Vogel
Looking Ahead
Annual Meeting - Feb. 5
Sweet Sunday Fellowship - Feb 9
Looking to serve? Consider these ministries:
Nursery - see Donna V.
Kids’ Club - see Christy B.
Nursing Home - see Ralph V.
Ministry leaders, please turn in your annual reports to Emily Roberts.
The annual meeting will take place on Wednesday, Feb. 5th.
There will be a potluck dinner at 6pm with the meeting at 7pm.Please join us for a Sweet Sunday Fellowship between Sunday School and the morning service on February 9th. Coffee and donuts will be served.