Kidz Club will meet this evening at 5:30.
Join us in prayer on Wednesday nights. Several of our members and many of our loved ones, neighbors, and acquaintances are ailing or otherwise in need. Corporate prayer encourages and strengthens. This is a time in the week when you can get and give at the same time.
Happy New Year!
Events This Week
Sunday School at 10:00
Morning Worship at 11:00
Evening Worship at 6:00
Song Leader: Barry Peffer
7:00 PM Prayer Meeting
Ladies’ Bible study will resume in the spring. More information will be posted closer to the start date.
Psalm 8
O LORD, our LORD, How majestic is Thy name in all the earth!
Worship Hint for Families
Happy New Year!
Someday there will be a ‘new heavens and a new earth.’ That’s a wonderful promise about changes yet to come that God will do. As we look back, we see change that God has already done. The apostle Paul encourages the Corinthians with hope for that great world-change which, he says, will include a physical change for people. But he goes on to remind his reader of a change already made. 2 Corinthians 5:17 tells us that ‘in Christ’ is a newness created by God. In New Year’s resolution-like language “…the old things passed away; behold, new things have come.”
These are profound truths that promise great things. This is that new birth spoken of elsewhere. Rejoice in the “…God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ…”
Ø Castle Retreat! See the write-up on the bulletin board in the foyer and then sign up to attend. The retreat is Friday, January 26 through Sunday, the 28th.
Ø Ministry Leaders annual reports need to be submitted to the church secretary by Wednesday night so they can be published prior to our annual meeting.
Ø Thank you for the donations of used Christmas wrapping.