
 Kidz Club will meet at 5:30 this evening.

 Kids Club will meet again next Sunday evening (Dec. 10), but will then suspend until after the New Year. Activities will resume on January 7.


December’s calendar is on the table in the foyer.


Events This Week


Sunday School at 10:00

Morning Worship at 11:00

Evening Worship at 6:00 PM


7:00 PM    Prayer Meeting


Ladies’ Bible study will resume in the spring. Stay tuned for information closer to the start date!


Worship Hint for Families

   The Scriptures are explicit when it comes to naming names of those who doubted, questioned, resisted, objected, or rebelled against God’s commands. That makes it all the more remarkable when someone is recorded as always being obedient, never questioning, and compliant with what seemed to be difficult demands. Such a one was Joseph, the husband of Mary.

 Read Matthew’s account of the birth of the Christ and marvel again that there are such ones. 

       What a man of God!


Ø  Prayer on Wednesday nights can help sooth anxiety about what is going on in this world. Come and join us!

Ø  Tomorrow, Monday, December 4 there will be a Prayer-Sisters Christmas party at 6:00 PM at the home of Debbie Young. Sign up on the sheet in the vestibule. If you can’t make it, please text Cindy Gerwig at 724-496-1243.

Ø  A Christmas cookie exchange is planned here on Sunday evening, December 17. Make (or buy) your favorite and bring some to share. Be sure to sample all the delicious varieties that will be available.


This Sunday begins the season of Advent, observed by many in anticipation of Christmas. We celebrate the birth of Jesus as His first coming. While you prepare, and when you celebrate that great event, keep in mind that He has promised to come again. What a day that will be!