
Events This Week


Sunday School at 10:00

Morning Worship at 11:00

No Evening Worship



7:00 PM    Prayer Meeting


Ladies’ Bible study will resume in the spring. More information will be posted closer to the start date.


Worship Hint for Families

      Was Christmas exciting and gratifying? It should have been. Now make it even better and do like those dear ones of Thessalonika did in Paul’s day. That remarkable congregation of believers claimed the Bible’s equivalent of a hat-trick:

·         They believed.

·         They shared their belief with others.

·         They eagerly anticipated the return of Christ.

  These were believers who “…turned to God from idols to serve a living and true God, and to wait for his Son from heaven, whom he raised from the dead, Jesus, who delivers us from the wrath to come.

         1 Thessalonians 1:9,10

Complete your celebration of the birth of our Savior by anticipating his second coming.


Ø  Castle Retreat! See the write-up on the bulletin board in the foyer and then sign up to attend. The retreat is Friday, January 26 through Sunday, the 28th.

Ø  Ministry Leaders please be preparing your annual reports. The reports need to be submitted to the church secretary by Wednesday, January 17.

Ø  There is a collection box in the foyer for your end pieces or unwrinkled scraps of Christmas wrapping.  




Kidz Club will not meet this evening. It will resume after the holidays on January 7

For Tonight:  

There will be a candle-light service at 6:00 PM. Join us for worship and song to celebrate the birth of our Savior.

Children should arrive at 5:30 to practice for their Christmas Eve presentation.


“For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given; and the government will be upon His shoulder. And His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.”      Isaiah 9:6


Events This Week


No Sunday School

Morning Worship at 10:00

Evening Worship at 6:00



7:00 PM    Prayer Meeting


Ladies’ Bible study will resume in the spring. More information will be posted closer to the start date.


“For the law was given through Moses, but grace and truth came through Jesus Christ. No one has seen God at any time. The only begotten Son, who is in the bosom of the Father, He has declared Him.” 

John 1:17,18


Worship Hint for Families

    Some modern Americans react to Christmas not so very differently than did many Jews back in the first century: disappointed.

   Back then, the hyped anticipation of Messiah was dashed by the meek manner and the redemptive ministry of Jesus. He was no conquering hero, he did not expel Rome, and there was no resurgence of political Israel.

   These days we have depression, loneliness, and sometimes suicide. Many are either disgusted or given over to the crass commercialism of the holidays.

   The problem? Wrong expectations. Christ didn’t come to make life better. He came to make us better for life. Adjust your expectations and Christmas becomes all it should be.


Ø  Card Shower fellowship on Thursday, December 28 from 10:00 to 12:00. All ladies/girls are invited to make cards for Lois Croup. Enough cards are wanted to send one every day for several weeks.

Ø  End pieces or unwrinkled scraps of Christmas wrapping are requested by Abby Peffer. If you have some to give, there is a collection box in the foyer. Thank you and  

Merry Christmas!

 December 31 (New Year’s Eve): No evening service.


Kidz Club will not meet this evening. It will resume after the holidays on January 7


Special Events for this December

Mark your calendars!


Stay after the morning worship service for lunch and our holiday cookie exchange, and then Christmas caroling to shut-ins (among others). Lunch is provided. There will be no evening service on the 17th.


Events This Week


Sunday School at 10:00

Morning Worship at 11:00


7:00 PM    Prayer Meeting


Ladies’ Bible study will resume in the spring. Stay tuned for information closer to the start date!


Worship Hint for Families

  What made the Wise Men wise? Did they have unusually high IQs? Were they counselors to oriental Kings? Isn’t Magi just another word for astronomer? Or, were they people who pondered previously revealed truth with the intent to discover contemporary application—and then acted upon it?  Then God, who saw their devotion, and gave them the ability to interpret an astronomical anomaly).

   What do we do with the ‘previously revealed truths’ we have access to? Messiah came, satisfied the wrath of God and promised to return. Christmas time is a good time to ponder and then act.


Ø  We meet for Prayer on Wednesday nights to take loved ones, missionaries, our own ministries here at PBC, and some of the concerns of this world to the Lord who helps. Come and join us!

Ø  Got any end pieces or unwrinkled scraps of Christmas wrapping? Please save them for Abby Peffer. A collection box will be provided.


More December events

For Christmas Eve, December 24, there will be no Sunday school. The morning worship service will use that time slot, beginning at 10:00 AM. There will be a candle-light service that evening at 6:00 PM.


December 31 (New Year’s Eve): No evening service.


Special Events for this December

Mark your calendars!

Tonight: We visit the folks of Zion Baptist Church at 154 Currie Rd. Slippery Rock (near Cooper’s Lake) for their PM service at 6:30. All are welcome!


Next Sunday (the 17th): Stay after the morning worship service for lunch and our holiday cookie exchange, and then Christmas caroling to shut-ins (among others). Lunch is provided. Bring about three dozen of your favorite Christmas cookies to share and don’t forget to include a copy of your recipe. Be prepared to sample some of the many others! There will be no evening service on the 17th.

Events This Week


Sunday School at 10:00

Morning Worship at 11:00

Evening Worship at 6:30 PM at Zion Baptist in Slippery Rock

(See note below)


7:00 PM    Prayer Meeting


Ladies’ Bible study will resume in the spring. Stay tuned for information closer to the start date!


Worship Hint for Families

     “Perhaps what happened was…” “Perhaps what he meant was…” There are many occasions in Scripture for us to speculate. Why did Herod SECRETLY ask the Magi about the timing of the Star? Was he already plotting his heinous attack? Was he afraid a public interview would be construed as support for a new king? We are not privy to many things we think we should know about. Instead, let’s focus on what we are told and why we are told those things. The Messiah came, God protected him, and the great plan of redemption went on.

          What? Me worry?


Ø  We meet for Prayer on Wednesday nights to take loved ones, missionaries, our own ministries here at PBC, and some of the concerns of this world to the Lord who helps. Come and join us!

Ø  Kids Club will conclude this evening until after the holidays. It will resume on Sunday, January 7.

Ø  Got any end pieces or unwrinkled scraps of Christmas wrapping or the cardboard rolls from the wrapping? Please save them for Abby Peffer. A collection box will be provided.


More December events

For Christmas Eve, December 24, there will be no Sunday school. The morning worship service will use that time slot, beginning at 10:00 AM. There will be a candle-light service that evening at 6:00 PM.



 Kidz Club will meet at 5:30 this evening.

 Kids Club will meet again next Sunday evening (Dec. 10), but will then suspend until after the New Year. Activities will resume on January 7.


December’s calendar is on the table in the foyer.


Events This Week


Sunday School at 10:00

Morning Worship at 11:00

Evening Worship at 6:00 PM


7:00 PM    Prayer Meeting


Ladies’ Bible study will resume in the spring. Stay tuned for information closer to the start date!


Worship Hint for Families

   The Scriptures are explicit when it comes to naming names of those who doubted, questioned, resisted, objected, or rebelled against God’s commands. That makes it all the more remarkable when someone is recorded as always being obedient, never questioning, and compliant with what seemed to be difficult demands. Such a one was Joseph, the husband of Mary.

 Read Matthew’s account of the birth of the Christ and marvel again that there are such ones. 

       What a man of God!


Ø  Prayer on Wednesday nights can help sooth anxiety about what is going on in this world. Come and join us!

Ø  Tomorrow, Monday, December 4 there will be a Prayer-Sisters Christmas party at 6:00 PM at the home of Debbie Young. Sign up on the sheet in the vestibule. If you can’t make it, please text Cindy Gerwig at 724-496-1243.

Ø  A Christmas cookie exchange is planned here on Sunday evening, December 17. Make (or buy) your favorite and bring some to share. Be sure to sample all the delicious varieties that will be available.


This Sunday begins the season of Advent, observed by many in anticipation of Christmas. We celebrate the birth of Jesus as His first coming. While you prepare, and when you celebrate that great event, keep in mind that He has promised to come again. What a day that will be!


December’s calendar is on the table in the foyer.


Stay alert for additional events for the month of December. Keep a lookout in this corner of the bulletin for event notices.


“My voice You shall hear in the morning, O LORD; in the morning I will direct it to You, and I will look up.”  Psalm 5:3


Events This Week


Sunday School at 10:00

Morning Worship at 11:00

No Evening Worship

There will be no Kidz Club this evening. 11/26/2023

Enjoy your family at home tonight!


7:00 PM    Prayer Meeting


Ladies’ Bible study will resume in the spring. Stay tuned for information closer to the start date!


Worship Hint for Families

 The promise from God about a future redeemer goes back thousands of years. Hundreds of years before the birth of Jesus, the longing of the people of Israel for a Messiah began to intensify. Prophets like Malachi fanned those flames of interest and yet the people were not ready when Christ came. Despite proof upon proof, literal in-your-face fulfillment of prophecy, the people did not believe.

  With Christmas drawing near, we do well to remember promises, recognize past fulfillments, and anticipate future ones. Rehearse the story, re-read the promises. What a way to prepare for Christmas!


Ø  As we have been told, essential to Christian living is Bible reading, prayer, and fellowship. We enjoy a all three during our Prayer on Wednesday nights. Come and join us!

Ø  Christmas poinsettia orders must be submitted by this Wednesday. If you want to order plants but haven’t done so yet, forms are on the table in the foyer.

Ø  We will welcome guest speaker, Dr. John King next Sunday, December 3. Come early for the Sunday school hour at 10:00, stay for the time of worship, and come again for the evening’s service. A day of feasting in the Word.

Ø  On Monday, December 4 there will be a Prayer-Sisters Christmas party at 6:30 PM at the home of Debbie Young. See Cindy Gerwig if you have questions.


Kidz Club this evening at 5:30.


Special Service Tonight  We get to welcome guests and visitors to our Thanksgiving Service. Please pray that the service exalts the Lord Jesus Christ, and that our guests and visitors feel welcomed. Be on the alert for new faces and let’s show God-honoring hospitality.


Events This Week!


Sunday School at 10:00

Morning Worship at 11:00

Evening Worship at 6:00PM

Evening Song Leader: Barry Peffer


7:00 PM    Prayer Meeting


Ladies’ Bible study will resume in the spring. Stay tuned for information closer to the start date!


Happy Thanksgiving Day! Rejoice and be glad…and pray.


Worship Hint for Families

    Many of our presidents, starting with George Washington (see the back of this bulletin) have issued proclamations calling for a National Day of Thanksgiving. More than 1700 years before Washington thought to do so, the Apostle Paul issued his own under the inspiration of God. Along with several other important things believers are to do, he tells us we are to “…in everything give thanks; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” 1 Thess. 5:18

  God’s Will? Well then, let us lead our families into a season of gratefulness, expressing our joy to the Lord who provides all we need.


Ø  We enjoy a very special blessing during our Prayer on Wednesday nights. Come and take advantage of the Bible study, the fellowship, and the delightful time of prayer.

Ø  Christmas poinsettia orders must be submitted by Wednesday, November 29. If you want to order plants but haven’t done so yet, forms are on the table in the foyer.

Ø  We will welcome guest speaker, Dr. John King on Sunday, December 3. Come early for the Sunday school hour at 10:00, stay for the time of worship, and come again for the evening’s service. A great day!

Ø  On Monday, December 4 there will be a Prayer-Sisters Christmas party at 6:30 PM at the home of Debbie Young. See Cindy Gerwig if you have questions.


 Kidz Club this evening at 5:30.


Next Sunday evening, November 19 come out and join us at 6:00 for a joint Thanksgiving service.


November/December calendars are on the table in the foyer. Take one, pray for the folks and the events listed, and rejoice at how God can work in our midst.

Events This Week!


Sunday School at 10:00

Morning Worship at 11:00

Evening Song Leader: Pastor Roberts



7:00 PM    Prayer Meeting


Worship Hint for Families

  An old gospel song shouts poetically to Jesus saying “Master, the tempest is raging…how canst Thou lie asleep…?” The poet goes on to describe the despair, fear, and sadness felt. Where is God? That’s a lament we all are prone to make at some time or other. The song resolves with the reminder that “…no water can swallow the ship where lies the Master of ocean and earth and skies…” And so, it is so. What have we to fear if we are the temples of the Holy Spirit, adopted sons of a Father who will not see us menaced beyond the reach of his mighty and gracious hand. Trust in God.


Ø  We enjoy a very special blessing during our Prayer on Wednesday nights. Come and take advantage of the Bible study, the fellowship, and the delightful time of prayer.

Ø  Christmas poinsettias may be ordered using the form inserted in your bulletin. If additional forms are wanted, there are more on the table in the foyer.

Ø  There will be a guest speaker, Dr. John King on Sunday, December 3. Come early for the Sunday school hour at 10:00, stay for the time of worship, and come again for the evening’s service. A great day!


Kidz Club this evening at 5:30.


Plan ahead, save the date and be sure to join us on Sunday evening, November 19 at 6:00 for a joint Thanksgiving service.


November/December calendars are on the table in the foyer. Take one, pray for the folks and the events listed, and rejoice at how God can work in our midst.


Events This Week!


Sunday School at 10:00

Morning Worship at 11:00 


7:00 PM    Prayer Meeting


Ladies Bible Study will meet again on Thursday, November 9 at 6:30 PM

Please see the note below.


Worship Hint for Families

  Why should we celebrate or observe Veterans’ Day? That’s a different question than “why do we observe Veterans’ Day?” Veterans’ Day is November 11, the anniversary of the Armistice ending hostilities after World War One. Over time, the occasion has been identified as an opportunity to recognize, with gratitude, the service rendered by those who had been in the military. National safety, obtained and maintained by military endeavor makes life pleasant as we enjoy the pursuit of personal and political freedom. So express gratitude for what you have to those who helped to provide it. Above all, thank the God who gives all that we have and enjoy.


Ø  Prayer on Wednesday nights is a vital part of the ministry of this church. Precious fellowship cooperates to beseech the Living God on behalf of our members, acquaintances, and nation. Join us!

Ø  The Ladies’ Bible Study group will meet next week on Thursday, November 9th for “Friendsgiving,” a time of fellowship at the home of Tracy Farone. All ladies are welcome (bring a friend!). Meet at the church at 6:00 PM to carpool or go directly to the Farone’s at 157 Camelot Rd. Portersville. See the sign-up on the bulletin board to know what to bring to share.

Ø  Christmas poinsettias may be ordered using the form inserted in your bulletin. If additional forms are wanted, there are more on the table in the foyer.


Kidz Club this evening at 5:30.


Plan ahead, save the date and be sure to join us on Sunday evening, November 19 at 6:00 for a joint Thanksgiving service.


Daylight Saving time ends next weekend on November. Check your smoke detectors now.


November/December calendars are on the table in the foyer. Take one, pray for the folks and the events listed, and rejoice at how God can work in our midst.


Events This Week!


Sunday School at 10:00

Morning Worship at 11:00


Song Leader for the Evening Service will be Ralph Verdu


7:00 PM    Prayer Meeting


Ladies Bible Study will meet again on Thursday, November 9 at 6:30 PM


Worship Hint for Families

   Parts of several Psalms are quoted or referenced elsewhere in Scripture, usually with respect to the Christ. But the rest of the Psalms are worthy of our attention too. For example, the writer of Psalm 71 reminds us why we minister to our children and to any others the Lord brings our way. In verse 18 he prays, “So even to old age and gray hairs, O God, do not forsake me, until I proclaim your might to another generation, your power to all those to come.”  That’s a great way to pray! Ask the Lord to preserve you to proclaim his glories to someone else, especially to some of our youth.


Ø  Join us for prayer on Wednesday nights.  Many are concerned about world events, tragedies here at home, and people we love who have needs. Let’s call on the One who cares for all.

Ø  The Promise of Life Network hosted their annual fundraising banquet. It was a success, but the ongoing ministry still needs constant prayer. So do our other missionary outreach efforts. Look at the bulletin boards to learn about our missions and pray!

Ø  The Ladies’ Bible Study group will meet again on Thursday, November 9th for “Friendsgiving,” a time of fellowship at the home of Tracy Farone. All ladies are welcome. Meet at the church at 6:00 PM to carpool or go directly to the Farone’s at 157 Camelot Rd. Portersville. See the sign-up on the bulletin board to know what to bring to share.

Ø  Christmas poinsettias will be available to order soon. Stand by for more information.